Hi, my name is Dayan Alexis Montoya Morales, I am student of the Normal Copacabana
He is Daniel Guisao. His name spell is, di- ei- en- ai-i-dzi- iu- al -es- ei - ou.
He lives in Copacabana Antioquia. He lives whith your mother, his brother, his sister, and his father.

His mother´s name is Ruby. this sepll name is er- iu- bi- wai.
His Father is Fernando. Daniel is 19 years. His e-mail adrees is danieko16@hotmail.com,amd telephno number is 401475*
This is a mobile phone. It´s black and blue. Blue is my favorite color. This mobil phone has got many aplications. Whith: Plays, music, pictures, and others things. whit my mobile phone I can reply and mark calls, sms,chat and I can enter to internet.
My grandmother is Nelly Montoya. She is very special sor the family. she live´s in Medellin, and shi is 50 years old. My other Grandmother is Amparo Dassa, She live´s in Bello. She is married whith my Grandfather Miguel Morales. She works in a material factory. Miguel live´s in Caracoli, Caracoly is a small Village in Antioquia. They´s have to my mother Nury,and my unles: Miguel and gabriel, and my aunts Sor and Elvia.My parents are Nury and Carlos. They have mote than 17 years together. My father works in a factory. He is a mechanic. My mothers a coordinates school restaurant of copacabana. I am Alexis. I am 17 years. I am a students to ciclo complementario. My sister is Laura. She is student of the Normal. she is 14 years old.
I wake up at 6:3 a.m
later, I lake a shower, thim i eat my breakfast.
I go out from my house at 7:00 o´clock, and I take the bus.
I start studing at 7:05 a.m., I study until 4 o´clock
I arrive to my hosuse at 4:30 p.m. by walking. when I arrive, I eat my lunch and later I do my homework at 7 p.m., I go tu church until 8:45 pm.
finally, I aarive al home again 9 o´clock.
I watch TV a little bit and ay 1:30 p.m. I go to bed and fall a sleep.
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