jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


My name is Maria Isabel. My last name is Chica Osorio. I live in Copacabana with my family. I'm nineteen years old. I am single. My birthay is on May. I work in a supermarket every days. My telephone number is 4674346. My e-mail address is chica_050591@hotmail.com.I study in the I.E.E.N.S. Maria Auxiliadora de Copacana Social sciences and geography. I like sleep but I can't because I work and study all the time. I like eat ace cream and drink beer whit my friends.
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
my best friend

She is my bestfriend.Her name is Lina.She is 18 years old.
My favorite thing
My nephew
Personal pretentation

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
My favorite thing
My bestfriend

She is my bestfriend, her name is Jenny Carolina, her lastname is Pemberthy Mejía, she is twenty years old, she live in Bello near me, your phone is 597-05-42. Her e-mail address is carolinapember@hotmail.com. She works in Escape.
Description about my family

My Favorite Thing
Personal presentation

My name is Jessica, my lastname is Franco Agudelo, I am 18 years old, I live in Bello. My e-mail address is jesik0819@hotmail.com, my telephone number is 599-40-75. My mother is Paula Milena Agudelo, my father is Hernan Darío Franco. I've got two siblings: one brother and one sister. My brother is Juan Pablo Montoya, my sister is Maria Paz Franco. I haven't got pet. I wprk in a business of recreation, and I am a teacher of seed math in the Normal Superior.
My Family Tree
My older sister: Her name is Luz Angela. She is Married but hasn't got children. Her husband has got a daughter. Her name is Luisa and she is 11 years old.
My sister Diana: She neither hasn't got children because she doesn't like.
My sister Paula: She is married with Javier, my brother- in-law is intelligent and excelent teacher. They've got a child. His name is Thomas, my nephew. I love him!
My sister Gloria: She is single and she hasn't children.
My sister Leidy: She isn't married but she has got a daughter, my niece's name is Valentina, she is 1 year old. I love her! but I hate his father: Santiago.
I love my mom's family because they are very special with me. My grandmother is beautiful. Her name is Rosa. My grandfather is very serius. His name is Pedro.
My mother's sisters are three: Noemi, Patricia and Lina.
My aunt Noemi has got three children: Beatriz, Claudia and Juan Manuel. They are my cousins. Beatriz is married with Juan Carlos. They've got a child: Samuel. Claudia is married with Andrés. They've got a child: Andrés David. Juan Manuel hasn't wife, but he has got a child: Juan José. He is beautiful.
My aunt Patricia has got a son. Mauricio and my aunt Lina has got two daughters: Luisa and Juliana.
My Bestfriend!

She is Juliana Paola. Her last name is Quintero Rendón. She is 19 years old. She lives in Copacabana, in the center of park. Her telephone number is four- zero- one- two- seven- eight- four. Her e-mail address is lunallena784@hotmail.com. She doesn't have a pet. Her father name is José Domingo and her mother name is Ana. Her father is merchant and her mother is housewife. She has four siblings, three sisters: Alejandra, Ana, Angela, and one brother: David.

Her name is Paula
Her lastaname is Avendaño
She live´s in Copacabana
She is 14 years old
Her telephone number is 4532307
Her spell name is
Her e-mail address is re.na.c_95@hotmail.com
Her father is Francisco and her mother is Claudia
Her father is a worker and her mother is housewife
She has one siblings, one sister
In my family we´re 4 people, my parents and me.
My mother has 3 sisters and 4 brothers.
My father has 2 brother and 3 sisters.
My aunt Alba has 2 children.
My uncle is an ingenniere.
My cousin is 21 years old.
My aunt Gloria lives in Spain.

my favorite thing is my laptop. His a Sony Vaio and it´s gray . it´s very important to me because speak whit my boyfriend. It´s got a beatifull light shade and very applications. I have got two laptops
I am Sandra I am 18 years old. Spanish study in the Normal of Copacabana . I like animals and travel.
My mother is Claudia .She is 35 years old. She is a housewife and she play sports.
She is cheerful and spontaneous
My father is Francisco, he is 39 years old. He is a worker and he plays billiards.
He is intelligent and serious.
My sister is Paula, she is 14 years old. She is a student and she chats online. She is funny and Cheerful.
My grandmother is Ana. She is 64 years old. She is housewife and She likes smoking she is very tender.
My favourite thing is my laptup. It’s American and it’s my favourite colour, blue.
I like it because it’s comfortable and small. It´s got everything I want, email, the internet, web cam, a DVD player and I’ve got very games on it.
It’s really fantastic.
My name is Leidy Chaverra. I’m twenty-three years old. I have long black hair, my eyes are light brown, i am thin and tall. I live in Copacabana with my parents. My parents are Gilberto and Romelia. My father is sixty-one years old and my mother is fifty-two.I have three sisters and one brother.
I am single. My birthday is on april twenty-fifth. My favoryte sport is voley ball and my favorite foot is bandeja paisa. The animal i like best is the dog, but i don’t like mice.
I spent weekends at home but i sometimes go to the disco with my friends. I also go to the movies. I like to go shopping and i love ice creams. My favorite color is blue. My hobby is go dancing. I would like to be the best spanish teacher.
This is Diana. Her last name is Chaverra Henao. She is my sister. She is twenty two years old. She lives in Copacabana. Her telephone number in 274 26 56. her spell name is D-i-a-n-a. Her e.mail address is dchaverrahenao@hotmail.com. Her father’s name is Gilberto and Her mother name is Romelia. Her father is retired and her mother is nurse. She doesn’t have a pet.
My name is Leidy. I’ve got long black hair, my eyes are ling brown. I am thin and tall. I’m Licenciature student at Normal Superior Copacabana and live in Copacabana with my parents.
This is my family: my mum, Romelia. She is fifty-two, and my dad Gilberto. He’s sixty-one. He’s retired and my mother is a nurse. This is my sister, Diana. She’s at university and she hasn’t got any children.
My sister Mary lives in Niquía. She’s got two childrens. My niece Tatiana is at school. She’s fifteen years old, and she’s very beatiful and funny.
My nephew Juan Pablo is at school, he is really intelligent and loves ice creams.

His es medium and very util for me because en my laptop I can do my homework. I can talk with my friend.
His colour is black and it´s about two months old.
It´s a new. My laptop´s got CD, Web cam, Internet, email, games and very program. I like a programa. The program´s name is Cabri. This´s a math program.
She`s my cousin. Her name´s Tatiana. She´s twenty-two years old and her birthday is December 30.
She has a son. his name´s Simón. He´s two years old and father´s name es Felipe.
Tatiana lives with her father, her mother, her sister,and her son. The father´s name is Ernesto. The Mother´s name is Mariela. The Sister´s name is Camila. But, She´s other sister. She lives in Argentina and her name is Paula.
Tatiana is ungle and very funny. She is studying Accounting and wors in a dental center.
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

People that are in the familiy tree are my family. My father is Jairo Munera. He is 40 yers old. My mother is Clarivel Monsalve. She is 39 years old. I have a sister. Her name is Miyer Lady. She is 15 years old.
I have four grandparents, many uncles and I have many cousins. My uncle Wilmar is my mother's brother. My father has two brothers and five sisters. They are married and they have children.
My parents are separated seven years ago. My father has another woman. Her name is Paula. They have a daughter. Her name is Mariana. Mariana is my stepsister.
My mother lives with my sister. They live in copacabana. My father lives in Medellin. I have a boyfriend. His name is Hugo. Hugo and I live together.
I have an aunt, her name is Alba. She is crazy. She has 13 sons. Her children do not live with her.

when I will travel to many places : Monaco, Paris and Spain, because I wil know new places. My birthday is on twelve of july. I like dancing. I have a boyfriend.

She is my sister. Her name is Miyer Lady Munera Monsalve. She is 15 years old. She lives in Copacabana, in miraflores. Her email is miyerbugy@hotmail.com. Her telephone number is 4015431. Her father name is Jairo Munera. Her father is a chemist. She lives with my mother. Her mother is Clarivel. Her mother is a teacher. Her favorite food is hot-dog and pizza. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite hobby is sleep. Her favorite animal is the cat. She studies in the normal. In this photography she was 15 years old. Her favorite music is the pop. She has a cat. She has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is jhonatan. He is 17 years old. Miyer has a best friend. Her best friend is daniela.


- I live with my boyfriend.
- I live in a small town.
- i live in Copacabana.
- i live in San Juan.
- I work long hour.
- I sometimes work as teacher.
- I speak spanish.
- I go to school in the complementary cycle.
- I go to cinema.
- I go to for a walk
- I go to the party.
- I study social sciences.
- I sometimes study math.
- I study in the Normal Superior.
- I eat pizza.
- I eat a big meal.
- I eat a lot of candy.
- I eat in a restaurant every day.
- I drink soda.
- I drink milo.
- I drink a lot of cofee.
- I drink water.
- I help at home.
- I help my boyfriend at work.
- I help my sister to do her homework.
- I love my life.
- I love my boyfriend.
- I love my mother, my sister and my father.
- I love my study.
- I watch tv every night.
- I watch movies every weekend
- I watch documentaries.
I get up at nine o´clock. I like to stay in bed drinking a coffee until a quarter past nine. At twenty minutes past nine, I cook egg and arepa for the breakfast and I watch TV. At ten o´clock I begin to organize my bedroom and my sister´s bedroom, too. At eleven o´clock I begin to sweep and to tidy up the house. At twelve o´clock I wash mine clothes. At a quarter to one, I wash the bathroom and the courtyard of my house. At half past one to afternoon I take a lunch and I watch TV at the same time. At two o´clock I mop the floor, and at forty past two to afternoon I take a shower. At ten past three I get out the bathroom for dress me. At twenty past three I organize my face. At fifteen to four I brush my hair and at four o´clock Elizabeth Garro and my boyfriend Roger arrive to my house for study mathematic among all. At half past six to afternoon we take a snack, and at thirty minutes past seven go to a bar with my boyfriend. At nine o´clock we eat something in the park and at eleven o´clock I say good bye to my boyfriend. At midnight I go to the bed to sleep.
my family
I am Lina Marcela Cadavid Echeverri, I am 19 years old. I study in the complementary cycle, in the subject of Social sciences and I am in the fourth semester.
My father is Jaime de Jesus Cadavid, he is 48 years old, he is quiet and tender and he works at a bar with my older brother Sergio.
Sergio is 21 years old; he studies Production´s Engineering in the ITM. He is funny and he likes to play with my little sister Maria Alejandra. She is 6 years old and she studies in pre-school grade in the Normal Superior Maria Auxiliadora of Copacabana. She is a happy person and likes to study her very much.
My mother is Carmelina, she is 42 years old, and she is housewife. She is my life example, because she very responsible, organized and happy. She is wonderful as my family.
My mother´s family is very close and collaborating. It is a big family, there are six women with life and another that had died, and four men and another that had died. All of them are married and they have among all twelve children.
All my uncles and aunts work and my cousins study and the older ones work too. My grandmother is alive and my grandfather died 24 years ago.
The father´s family is independent; there are four men and four women with life. All of them are married and they have among all eleven children. My grandparents are dead.
sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

This is Felipe Correa Toro. He is 23 years old. His birthay is in 23th July. His zodical sing is Leo. He studies in the UPB. His carrier is professional's sport. He works near to the Berrios Park. His girlfriend is Mayde. They hace been together for a year. He lives with his parents Marina and Oscar in the Asuncion, Copacabana. His telephone number is 2745874. His email is liperueda@hotmail.com. He had a brother but he died. He is my friend but I love him like a brother and I know he loves me too.
The time
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
English´s works
¡Hi! I am Silvana, I am 18 years old and I am student of Spanish licenciature but in the future of languages licenciature too.
I am a very nice person, very georgeus, funny and smart. I am gioing to travel to Germany and I am very happy because the foreign lenguages are very nice for me. J
< That is my family: My mother Miriam, my father Omar, my sister Carolina, my cousins: Juliana, Andres Felipe and Sara and my Aunts: Herladez y Ayadie and their husbands: Julio and Rodolfo.
My Mom Miriam is a very nice mom, she is very strong, very smart and I love her. My father Omar is a diver. He is a very good person and daddy, but he is a bit shy.
My sister Carolina is 20 years old. She is georgeus and very clear. She is very good in all subjects. At the moment she studies English and Spanish licenciature in the “Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana” and Philosophy in the “Universidad de Antioquia”.
< My Cousins: My Cousin Andres Felipe is 11 years old. He is very funny and like the others guys he love TV, videogames and the computer.
< My cousin Juliana is Andres Felipe´s sister. She is 4 years old. She is beautiful and very intelligent, she is very little but she is good at drawing, writing, reading and mathematics.
< My Cousin Sara is 3 and half years old. She is beautiful and a very crazy baby girl. She is very smart and obling, she wants to do everything and is very sociable.
My Aunts
< My Aunt Herladez is Andres Felipe and Juliana´s mom. She is a georgeus brunette, very funny and she has a great spatial intelligence.
< Her Husband Julio: He is my Godfather. He is very nice and he love cars and technology. He work´s in a project: “Porce III”.
< My Aunt Ayadie is a Housewife. She is very beautiful and she loves the plants. She ist the most creative in the family.
< Her Husband Rodolfo is very active, sociable and wide with all the people.
In my family we are 4 people, my parents, my sister and me.
My mother has 3 sisters and 4 brothers. My father has 5 brothers and 5 sisters.
My aunt Herladez is my mom´s sister. She has 2 children.
My cousin Elizabeth is 31 years old and she is a Psychologist.
My uncle Edgar is my mom´s brother, he lives in the countryside.
My favorite thing is my laptop computer. It is an acer and it is darkblue but the keyboard is gray. My Laptop has Dvd player, webcam, cd player and other good things. It is medium size and georgeus. I really love it because is very confotable. In this moment, my Laptop is 3 months old.
She is Carolina. She is 18 years old. She lives in Bello and she is my closest friend.
I met when I was 5 years old, in pre-school. We studied for two years together and then, when pre-school finished, I began my primary school in the Normal and she began in the Presentación school.
In 2003, when I began the High School she come to study here too, and since that year we are best friends. She is oldest that me for 12 days. Her birthday is in 10 th May.
She studieds forgeign language licenciature in the complementary cycle, but she really wants to study psychology.
Her favorite food is beans and she does not like hot drinks. She like all colors, but she prefer red for her hair and with and fuscia for her clothing.
She laughs in all moments. She loves to laugh and to dance. She is a very nice person and I like to share my free time with her.
I really love her and I know she loves me too.