I am Jessica Franco, I am eighteen years old, I study in the Normal of Copacaban, degree in mathematics, I am responsible and worked. I live with my grandmother and my uncle; my grandmother is Rocío Restrepo, she is housewife. My uncle is Jair Agudelo, he is thirty-six years old, he works as teacher in the scool San José, his children are: Daniel Agudelo and Laura Agudelo, they are my cousin; they are very happy and very nice people.
My mother is Paula Milena Agudelo, she is thirty-four years old, she lives in Bello, she is very beautiful, tender, kind, responsible and worked.

My father is Hernan Darío Franco, he is fourty-two years old, he lives in Bello near me; he is worked, angry, kind
person and social person.

My brother is Juan Pablo Montoya, he is fourteen years old, he lives in Bello with his father, he is very lazy and kind person.
ohhhh your brother is so different than before