I am Lina Marcela Cadavid Echeverri, I am 19 years old. I study in the complementary cycle, in the subject of Social sciences and I am in the fourth semester.
My father is Jaime de Jesus Cadavid, he is 48 years old, he is quiet and tender and he works at a bar with my older brother Sergio.
Sergio is 21 years old; he studies Production´s Engineering in the ITM. He is funny and he likes to play with my little sister Maria Alejandra. She is 6 years old and she studies in pre-school grade in the Normal Superior Maria Auxiliadora of Copacabana. She is a happy person and likes to study her very much.
My mother is Carmelina, she is 42 years old, and she is housewife. She is my life example, because she very responsible, organized and happy. She is wonderful as my family.
My mother´s family is very close and collaborating. It is a big family, there are six women with life and another that had died, and four men and another that had died. All of them are married and they have among all twelve children.
All my uncles and aunts work and my cousins study and the older ones work too. My grandmother is alive and my grandfather died 24 years ago.
The father´s family is independent; there are four men and four women with life. All of them are married and they have among all eleven children. My grandparents are dead.
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